Tuesday, May 27, 2008

happy and yummy and generous

Ruby drew a picture this rainy afternoon and told me the story behind it:

This guy HERE is trying to SUBTRACT this guy HERE and the OTHER guy is trying to PROTECT THIS guy so he doesn't SUBTRACT the OTHER guy because he might KILL him and then he will feel so BAD about it, but the guy did KILL the other guy because his body was broken and he could not live in his body anymore, but he went to the HOSPITAL and they put his RIB CAGE together again and everything else, so he didn't DIE anymore, but the OTHER guy was so scared so he didn't want to SUBTRACT anybody ever again.
(Photo by Eve Epstein)
Ruby knows that aggressive behavior is not met with desirable reactions (she is never EVER punished or isolated to time out, however we don't pretend to enjoy being mouthed off...) So it seems her deepest darkest sides come out safely in stories of death and destruction--the above mentioned being QUITE mild comparatively--

A quote from earlier today to Grandma over lunch:

Grandma, I am happy because I love my life. My family is happy and yummy and generous.

(Photo by Eve Epstein)
I am so in love with my family. I don't often write about Shadrup, my brightly calm, humorously inquisitive and spectacularly handsome husband. His and Ruby's relationship have taken off in a rocket ship since his early days of insecurity, uneasiness and adjusting to daddy-hood with infant Ruby. He always told me not to worry, that their "connection will ripen" when Ruby turned three. It was like clockwork!! Ruby's Tibetan comprehension is suddenly quite fluent, and more importantly she is proud and quite eager to keep learning. My sister refers to us as a sickeningly harmonious family--If I had a functional camera I'd back her description with a snap shot of Ruby on Shadrup's lap right now feeding each other Momos and engaging in a fluent playful Tibetan dialog. Sorry to blind everyone with my pride!! I just thought Shadrup deserved a little spotlight!! (Photo below taken a year ago)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Pink Nails!

Today Ruby and I exchanged manicures and pedicures with her first bottle of nail polish. Ruby was so thrilled when I let her paint my nails.

Mama, I love you when you wear nail polish.
And when I don't wear nail polish?
Well, then I still love you, but only your face, not your hands and feet.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Little Angel...

Ruby's song-of-the-day:

If you are grouchy, I don' mind!
But if you eat me I'll be dined!!!
And I have love in my veins and arteries coming from my heart and going to my brain,
So I have to keep my body
But if you are grouchy I don't mind!!!
A conversation Ruby and I had today, after she whacked a friend over the head with a book and we left the scene and returned home:

Ruby, what you did to your friend today was really...
Hold on, Mama. (Ruby runs into the bedroom and calls out after a brief moment) OK, mama! My head is under the pillow and my fingers are plugging my ears!!! You can keeping talking now if you want to!!!